Local and State Leaders Discuss Relief Strategies for Businesses, Nonprofits Impacted by COVID-19

During the pandemic, small businesses have struggled to remain profitable, having to reduce staff due to the economic collapse. This is especially within minority communities, where Black and Hispanic business owners have especially been impacted. Yesterday Woodbridge District Supervisor Margaret Franklin held a virtual Business Owners Meeting to address these issues. Along with Department of […]

Republican Senators Change Their Stance On Election Year Supreme Court Nominations

After the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Friday, September 18, Republican Senators began sharing their condolences, but their statements came with another message as well. Just hours after Ginsburg’s death, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell shared a statement about her accomplishments and the country’s mourning. His statement didn’t end there, however. […]

Judge Orders Kanye West Not Be Added to Virginia Ballot 

A Richmond judge on Thursday ordered the Virginia State Board of Elections to not put Kanye West’s name on the November presidential ballot, saying 11 of the 13 Elector Oaths obtained by his campaign were improper, fraudulent, or misleading. The ruling comes after Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring filed a motion calling an emergency hearing […]

Chair-At-Large, Ann Wheeler Listens in on Community Plans

On Saturday August 22nd, Chair-At-Large Ann Wheeler hosted her first ‘Strategic Planning Community Conversation.’ According to the Facebook event the goal is for community to “help in selecting goals and priorities to guide the county’s vision for the future.” This was the first of two sessions, the second will also be held virtually on Thursday, […]