Outraged Constituents Continue to Call for Wittman’s Resignation

The Virginia First Congressional Democratic Committee today issued a resolution calling on Rep. Robert J. Wittman to resign from the U.S. House of Representatives. The First Congressional Democratic Committee joins many constituents who have already called for Wittman’s resignation since the insurrection that took place in the United States Capitol on January 6. Their resolution […]

Governor Northam Announces Legislative Steps to Increase Equity in State Procurement

After disparity study identifies clear need to address diversity in state contracting, Virginia to establish goals of 23.1 percent discretionary spending with woman- and minority-owned businesses and 42 percent with SWaM-certified businesses. Governor Ralph Northam today announced the results of the Commonwealth’s disparity study, which demonstrate the need for narrowly tailored race- and gender-conscious measures […]

Virginia Must Abolish the Death Penalty

Our Commonwealth’s relationship with capital punishment spans over four centuries. The first execution in the New World took place in Jamestown in 1608, when Captain George Kendall was executed in Jamestown on charges of espionage. Since that fateful day in 1608, Virginia has since put to death a record-shattering 1,300 people, including the most women […]

Supervisor Margaret Angela Franklin Elected to Leadership Roles for 2021

Supervisor Margaret Angela Franklin announced her election to leadership for 2021. During Tuesday’s Prince William Board of County Supervisor’s organizational meeting, Supervisor Franklin was elected as Chair Pro-Tem. The position of Chair Pro-Tem is utilized in the occurrence that the Chair and Vice Chair are unavailable for official business, primarily board meetings.   Additionally, the Supervisor […]

Prince William BOCS Allocate Funding Toward the Opioid Crisis

On Tuesday January 12th, Prince William County’s Board of Supervisors (BOCS) convened for their first meeting of the 2021 calendar year. The agenda included a number of resolutions pertaining to organizational matters and several appointments by supervisors to various boards and commissions. The consent agenda included Resolution 6-G. Its stated purpose is to “accept, budget, […]

Rod Hall Enters Race for House District 31

PUBLIC POLICY ADVISOR; FORMER OBAMA APPOINTEE; CHAIRMAN OF VIRGINIAAVIATION BOARD, & PASSENGER RAIL AUTHORITY MEMBER SEEKS TO SUCCEEDDELEGATE ELIZABETH GUZMAN Rod Hall, a transportation policy advisor and community leader, formally announced his candidacy for House District 31 in the Virginia House of Delegates. “After prayerful deliberation and encouragement received from members of my family, friends, […]