The Price of Being a Voice for Justice

ETSU Men’s Basketball Coach, Jason Shay, resigns after facing backlash for allowing his players to kneel for the National Anthem Players on the East Tennessee University Men’s Basketball team believe that their head coach was forced to resign for allowing them to kneel before basketball games. Jason Shay, hired as the Buccaneers’ head coach last […]

As A Woman: Stress Awareness Month

April is ‘Stress Awareness Month’, and it couldn’t arrive during a more stressful time for all of us. According to recent data, many Americans are reporting an increase in stress-related symptoms this past year tied to the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic. According to one report, “Nearly 8 in 10 adults (78%) say the coronavirus pandemic is […]

Feature: Queenie Love-The Relationship Zone

The Relationship Zone (TRZ), formerly known as Bar Talks, is a podcast curated by the conversationalist, Queenie Love, where you can find conversations on LOVE, LIFE & all things RELATIONSHIPS. Sandra McLean, aka “Queenie”, of Woodbridge, Virginia, believes that everyone has a story. It came as no surprise when Queenie created a platform called Bar […]

Defund Georgia!

This July, the 91st MLB All-Star game is scheduled to be hosted in Atlanta, however in light of recent voter restriction legislation passed by the governor, the director of the MLB Players Association said players are ready to discuss moving their annual event out of Georgia. The bill supported by the Republican-majority state legislature drew […]

Feature: Vanessa Holloway-Founder of Jintara®

Vanessa Holloway is the founder of Jintara®, a minority-owned business specializing in plant based and natural – body care, home care and wellness products and supplying safe alternatives for various skin needs while promoting self care. I sat down with Vanessa to chat about her company, her latest offering, and of course, Women’s History Month! […]

Black Men, Let’s Do Better!

It is stated that to whom much is given, much is required. We live in an age where due to the digital revolution, people can become overnight sensations. The young man or woman giving advice to his friends at gatherings or at churches can now become a social media influencer, and in many cases it […]