Carter Considers Gubernatorial Run as Allers Launches Campaign

As Delegate Lee Carter considers a run for higher office, a Republican challenger has emerged to run for his seat in the Virginia House of Delegates.

Michael Allers, Jr. is a public school teacher and political commentator who is launching a campaign to run for Carter’s seat in 2021. Having been raised by educators, his father a law enforcement officer turned educator and his mother a special needs teacher, Allers is positioning himself as a center-right candidate. He has often criticized far-right candidates such as Congressman-elect Bob Good, who Allers once wrote, “has the values of an America at its worst.”

Allers, a Manassas resident, hosts a podcast called “Grand New Podcast” for “Bearing Drift”, a center-right blog. His work with the blog is centered around a conservative millennial perspective.

Allers platform includes: defending Second Amendment rights; increased pay and increased training requirements for first responders; universal Pre-K; re-evaluation and replacement of the “Standards of Learning” exams; and opposition to Common Core.

A former Marine, Carter serves as the only self-described socialist elected in the Commonwealth. He won his seat in 2017 when he beat former House of Delegates Majority Whip Jackson Miller with 54.3% of the vote. Earlier in 2017, Miller failed to win the special election for Prince William County Clerk of Court. Carter was re-elected in 2019 against Republican challenger, Manassas City Councilman Ian Lovejoy.

Carter’s position as a Democratic Socialist has often drawn criticism from his colleagues in the General Assembly. During his time in the General Assembly, Carter has focused heavily on criminal justice reform, healthcare, and worker and consumer rights. Some of his accomplishments include the $50 co-pay cap for insulin, introducing legislation to legalize marijuana, and fighting for net neutrality.

Earlier this month, Carter hinted that he may be considering a gubernatorial campaign, expressing that he believes he has a pathway to a statewide victory. However, he has yet to announce whether he will run for reelection or seek higher office.

Next year’s elections in Virginia are expected to be competitive as the state is poised to elect a new Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General while the House of Delegates elections are also taking place. Additionally, Virginia’s new Constitutional Amendment on redistricting will be taking effect, changing the way that legislative districts are drawn.

To learn more about Carter, visit his website here.

To learn more about Allers, visit his website here.


Meet the Candidates: Prospective Democratic Lieutenant Governors Engage with Fairfax

by Zayd Hamid, Contributing Writer On March 6th, Fairfax City Hall hosted several Democratic candidates for lieutenant governor for a forum. Prosecutor Victor Salgado, State Senator Aaron Rouse, Prince William County School Board Chair Babur Lateef, State Senator Ghazala Hashmi, and former Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney gave remarks to several dozen attendees. The first to […]