Board of County Supervisors to vote on Prince William County’s first ever Climate Resolution

Mothers Out Front has championed for Prince William County to enact climate change resolution, and on Tuesday November 17 at the Board of County Supervisors meeting, it could finally come to fruition. They have developed the Climate Resolution Toolkit to provide further information on what should be included in the resolution.

The resolution will include:

  • An endorsement of the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government goal of 50% greenhouse gas emission reductions by 2030.
  • Setting goals of 100% of Prince William County’s electricity to be from renewable sources by 2035.
  • Setting goals for Prince William County Government operations to achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2030 and to be 100% carbon neutral by 2050.
  • A recommendation for the creation of a public advisory body charged with advising on improvements to the Community Energy Master Plan (i.e. PWC climate action plan) to achieve the goals of the above-stated Comprehensive Plan changes.
  • The need to incorporate equity principles and environmental justice into the Community Energy Master Plan as well as the entire Comprehensive Plan.

For more details on the Climate Resolution Toolkit visit the following link. In order to sign up to comment virtually in support of the resolution at the 2 PM meeting on Nov. 17 visit the registration link. Please note that the deadline is on Monday, November 16 at 5 PM.

For any question, help and support email Tiziana Bottino at


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