Black Founder Launches the First Culturally Smart AI Copywriter to Flood Diverse Brands with Conversational, Persuasive Content

Apryl Beverly, whose copywriting expertise has generated $3 billion in revenue for online brands, has launched Aipro (pronounced Ay-pro), the first culturally smart AI copywriter to produce marketing copy that resonates with diverse, multicultural audiences and boosts the visibility, sales and profitability for businesses. Say goodbye to the endless hours spent trying to coax AI to create brand copy that connects. PRO is the new AI copywriting tool that masters nuance, respects culture, and adds personality to every sentence.

Have you ever felt like traditional AI tools just don’t capture your brand’s voice or understand your target audience? That’s because, until now, it really didn’t. However, now the world’s first AI culturally smart AI copywriting tool, PRO™️, is making way for a new standard in the AI content creation industry. This flagship product, PRO — standing for Pitch, Respond, Offer – isn’t just any software; it’s a revolutionary AI copywriting tool designed to produce authentic, persuasive content that speaks directly to multicultural consumers.

97% of business owners believe AI copywriting tools will enhance their operations and save them time. Many turn to other AI content creation tools, hoping for a boost in sales and visibility at a lower cost. Yet, they’re met with generic, uninspiring content that fails to resonate with their diverse audience, leaving them wondering why their products or services aren’t selling. PRO stands out by delivering AI-powered content that authentically reflects the voices of diverse consumers and genuinely understands multicultural audiences. Its culture-first approach uses slang appropriately and avoids language that could be harmful or biased. This enables businesses to present their products and services in a manner that is appealing, convincing, and culturally aware.

With extensive experience teaching and developing AI-driven content across the U.S., Beverly identified a significant imbalance in the technology: “AI is on track to widen the wealth gap, potentially setting minority business owners back by an estimated $45 billion. This alarming figure highlights a significant issue: the voices of diverse communities are frequently overlooked in technological innovations, despite their substantial contributions to the economy,” said Beverly. “I wanted to create something that understands different cultural identities and underrepresented experiences from the start.”

Unlike conventional AI tools that require extensive tweaking to mimic a natural tone, this AI copywriter excels in generating content that resonates with a variety of audiences with just one prompt. It seamlessly switches between conversational and formal tones, catering to a wide range of needs from social media engagement to grant proposals. “It’s about enhancing how we naturally communicate, ensuring that every piece of content feels authentic,” the founder adds.

PRO is accessible on desktops, smartphones, or tablets, making it convenient to craft compelling copy on the go. The tool provides the following capabilities:

Pitch: Enables businesses to craft pitches that grab attention, resonate with audiences, and clearly articulate value propositions.

Respond: A go-to tool ideal for responding to requests for proposals (RFPs) and business inquiries in a culturally smart and engaging manner.

Offer: Empowers businesses to create irresistible sales content that motivates audiences to take action, from signing up for newsletters to purchasing products/services or attending webinars.

Beverly, who previously made history as the first Black woman to license a copywriting course to over a thousand colleges and universities worldwide, continues to pave the way in technology and education. Looking ahead, Aipro is set to expand its capabilities with voice commands and image recognition, enhancing its user-friendly interface.

For more information or subscription details, visit


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21-year-old Chicagoland native Kayla Austin is excited to introduce her patent-pending technology called “My Gun’s Been Moved” which provides responsible gun owners with 24/7 monitoring and notifications if their firearms have been moved, enhancing the safety of children and communities. Alongside this, Kayla has developed “My Safety Circle” to amplify responsible gun ownership, monitoring, and […]