Black Excellence Expo at Manassas Park City Library

On Behalf of Manassas Park City Library

Business owners and community organizations, please find a community engagement opportunity below to share your business/organization at next year’s Black Excellence Expo (B.E.E.)  at the Manassas Park City Library on February 8th, 2025 from 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Manassas City Library and would like to invite you to our second year of our Black History Month event called the B.E.E or Black Excellence Expo. This year, we will be adding times in which those who are presenting at the BEE can give a special presentation to our patrons in the board meeting room. This will be a great opportunity for those who are presenting, to engage with the community so that they can get to know you and your business. If you would like to have a special presentation, please let the library know so they can add you to the presenting schedule.

We are also asking for you to have with you two additional items:

  1. Each participant should have a small write-up about your profession, place of business, etc. so that the library can post your information for patrons to view. This is a great opportunity for the community to be able to get to know you! If you participated last year in the BEE, please let me know whether you have any changes to your information.
    1. Authors: You must donate your book to the library to sell your book during this event. Books need to be donated to the library no later than Jan. 10th. This allows the library time to process your book to be able to add it to our collection.
    2. Artists: You may bring 2 art pieces to put on display at the library. These pieces will remain in the library for the month of February for patrons to enjoy but will need to be picked up at the end of the month. Artists may also sell any artwork they choose to bring if their artwork is brought in for display.
    3. Entertainers: You will have a set time for your performance that will be communicated a week before the event. Please let me know what equipment you will be bringing and a sample set list.
    4. Government, Military, Police, First Responders: I understand that schedules can be hectic. We will try to work with you on your schedule so that you can be a part of the BEE as long as you are able to remain at the event. If you would like to have a special presentation, please let me know what time works best for you during the hours of the BEE.
    5. Others: Please let me know what you would like to share during the BEE. Certain items may not be allowed due to library policy.
  2. Each participant should bring something about an African American individual(s) that have inspired them in a great way! It can be a book, a craft to share with patrons, an art piece, or you can even dress up as your chosen person! Make it fun and exciting to help teach and share black history with our patrons!

Please RSVP by January 17th. You can contact Paige Poole at Phone: 703-335-8842 or visit For those who RSVP ‘Yes’, I will send our marketing materials to you to share this event, upon request. If you know of anyone else in the community you think would be a great fit for this event, please let me know and send me their information!


The Road to Richmond: George Mason University Students Prepare for Mason Lobbies

by Zayd Hamid As the Virginia General Assembly session progresses, George Mason University students are preparing for their annual advocacy day to Richmond on February 12th. Since 2013, they have met with legislators to share their higher education experiences in support of GMU’s priorities. Kaylee Fernandez, the lead student organizer for Mason Lobbies 2025, underscores […]