Why Can’t America Address Its History?

Written by Melissa Ridge The recent attacks against schools in Virginia—targeting everything from masks to library books to equity—are calculated and carefully scripted, and the intent is to disrupt and distract. They are a deliberate response to the push for systemic change in our government, our judicial system, and our schools.  Over the last few […]

Let Me Be Frank: About Teachers

by Grace Lintner, Guest Contributor I recently heard that teachers are being demonized, and I was shocked. Really? I remember years ago, lawyers were considered the lowest of the low. At another point in time, Congresspeople were highly unpopular. In the last couple of years, it has been some police officers who have been vilified. […]

Two Mics Up addresses Human Trafficking

On this week’s episode, the Two Mics Up team works to educate our audience on human trafficking. Human trafficking is a $150 billion industry worldwide. According to the Department of State, 2 million women and children are victims of human trafficking every year. In the United States alone, 300 thousand children are forced into child […]

Why I Support Idris O’Connor

The following contributor is Ranelle Nadeau, St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church Outreach Team member I first met Idris O’Connor while serving as a volunteer on the Prince William County Bill Mehr Homeless Drop-in-Center committee.  Idris spoke at a meeting and immediately caught my attention as I listened to his quiet, yet powerful words about issues impacting […]