Threat assessment bills propose fixes in how Virginia colleges respond to violence

by Virginia Mercury Virginia’s colleges and universities may soon be permitted to obtain criminal histories and health records of people seen as posing a “significant” threat on campuses under legislation that recently passed both the House and Senate. The legislation, which was carried by Sen. Steve Newman, R-Bedford, and Del. Amanda Batten, R-James City, was filed in […]

“Conversations in the Community Engages Listening Expert for Listening to Black Boys”

by Jennifer Roberts Haymarket, Virginia – Conversations in the Community will host “Listening to Our Black Boys:  Why Their Voices Matter and How to Hear Them,” a virtual discussion with internationally certified listening professional, Marva Shand Mc-McIntosh on Tuesday, February 21st at 7:30 p.m. EST. “This timely discussion is for parents, educators, coaches and community […]

Tell Senators to Vote NO Dangerous School Discipline Bill

House Bill 1461 is a discipline bill that will disproportionately impact students with disabilities, students of color, and low-income students. This legislation must be stopped. TAKE ACTION! Contact the Senators on the Education and Health Committee and TELL THEM TO VOTE NO on this dangerous bill! HB1461 will require the VA Department of Education to establish a uniform system of discipline for […]

Va. House refuses to take testimony on gun bills as revenge against Democratic Senate

by Virginia Mercury Democratic-sponsored gun bills weren’t expected to get much support in the Virginia House of Delegates. But a few pieces of legislation died a faster death than normal Thursday as the Republican House and Democratic Senate feuded over protocols for hearing testimony from lawmakers in the other chamber. Del. Nick Freitas, R-Culpeper, who […]

Sentara to sponsor the PWCCF’s Back-to-School Community Event

The following is a paid advertisement by the Prince William County Community Foundation (Prince William County, VA) – Prince William County Community Foundation’s (PWCCF) Back-to-School Community Event taking place on August 11th & 12th celebrates the promise of the upcoming school year by connecting families and their students to valuable school resources, activities, and community […]

Green Book legislation passes Virginia House

by Virginia Mercury Decades before people could rely on the internet for hotel or restaurant suggestions, Black Americans traveling across the country during the Jim Crow era relied on a guidebook of amenities to keep safe in segregated parts of the country. Now Virginia legislators are considering giving travelers the opportunity to explore the routes and places […]

A Commonwealth Kids Credit Would Make Virginia More Affordable for Over 700,000 Families

Establishing a state-level Child Tax Credit would help over 1 million children A commonwealth kids credit would make the cost of living more affordable for over 700,000 families and benefit more than 1 million children, according to a new report from The Commonwealth Institute (TCI). Temporary improvements to the federal Child Tax Credit dramatically reduced child […]