Virginia relying more heavily on provisional licenses to fill teacher shortages

by Virginia Mercury As teacher shortages continue in Virginia, the state is attempting to stave off further educational impacts by granting more provisional licenses.  The commonwealth issued a total of 8,434 provisional licenses in 2021-22 compared to an average of 6,787 in the years before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a November report from Virginia’s Joint Legislative […]

A Woman to Remember

by Denise Roosendaal As we wind down this month of March, also known as the National Woman’s History Month, I’ve been thinking a lot about Ida B. Wells. She was a woman to remember. Born into slavery in 1862 in Holly Springs Mississippi, she lost her parents to the yellow fever epidemic in 1878 and […]

The PWEA Calls Upon Prince William School Board to Increase Employee Salaries by 10% for FY24

Proposal has salary increases at 2%, plus step, with increased health insurance contributions The Prince William Education Association [PWEA] leadership team calls upon the PWC Board of County Supervisors and the PWC School Board to increase educator and staff salaries by 10% for Fiscal Year 24, with no increase in employee cost for healthcare benefits. […]

New Poll: 80% of Virginia Voters Believe Profitable Corporations and the Wealthy Do Not Pay Enough in Taxes

62% of VA Voters believe lawmakers should not cut taxes, because cuts would harm the quality of state services, make Virginia less competitive Richmond, VA — The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis and Data for Progress released new data yesterday showing that 80% of Virginians overwhelmingly believe that the wealthy and profitable corporations are not […]