The Jail Board Acknowledges ICE’s Criticism over the End of 287(g)

On June 17th, 2020 the Jail Board held a vote on the 287(g) agreement. During the meeting Sheriff Glen Hill made a motion for its renewal. None of the other board members seconded his motion and thus the agreement expired per its agreed upon ending of June 30th, 2020. There were reports of I.C.E activity […]

BOCS Resolution 11H Sparks Dialogue on ‘Equity’ and ‘Environmental Justice’

On Tuesday October 6th, Prince William County’s Board of Supervisors convened for their first meeting of the month, Resolution 11H drew particular attention from constituents. Supervisor Pete Candland, R-Gainesville, proposed Resolution 11H. It’s title line stated “Authorize a study period for the purpose of defining equity in housing and environmental justice concepts for consideration in […]

The Efficiency of Site-Based Management in PWCS

An archived document from the United States Department of Education (DOE) written in October 1996, says “school-based management [SBM] has been on the educational reform agenda for decades.” This may have been more of warning than a prediction. As the piece continues onto say “there is scant evidence that schools get better just because decisions […]

Discrepancies in Discipline: Disproportionate Punishment of Students of Color in PWCS

Editor’s Note: This article has been updated to include a recent statement Back to school time this fall looks very different from most years. Prince William County’s students ‘returned’ to school virtually due to the coronavirus pandemic. Simultaneously, school administrators locally, and nationally, must respond to the ongoing racial uprising, over the ways public schools […]

Hidden in Plain Sight: The Route 29 Carver Road Settlement

On August 24th, the Prince William Conservation Alliance hosted a virtual event called ‘Hidden in Plain Sight.’ It was hosted by Joyce Hudson a member of the Alliance to Save Carver Road. The Facebook description for the event stated “There is a unique community tucked into a corner of Gainesville along Route 29 that you […]

PWC Mutual Aid Group Calls for Residents to Reject New Juvenile Detention Center Proposal

On Monday August 31st, the PWC Mutual Aid group’s Twitter account posted a graphic [shown below] with the caption “Prince William County is planning to update the current #juvenile #detention center with a new center based on an unproven model and without examining the school-to-prison pipeline. PWC needs alternatives to incarcerating our #youth. A thread. […]

Community Conversation between Faith Leaders and Law Enforcement

On Saturday, August 22nd, Acting Police Chief Jared Phelps coordinated a zoom conversation between himself and community faith leaders representing Prince William County’s Muslim, Christian, and Jewish communities. Leading the conversation, Will Archer, an Evangelist from Potomac Valley Church stated “we’re a non-partisan group of believers.” He emphasized that “the key is for us all […]