Black Literary History: A Look Back at Baldwin’s Giovanni’s Room

Giovanni’s Room By James Baldwin James Baldwin was an author, playwright, and activist most active during the late 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s until his death in 1987. His work explored themes of race, sexuality, and class in American and European societies of the time. Giovanni’s Room was his second fiction novel, written in 1956. […]

Prince William BOCS Allocate Funding Toward the Opioid Crisis

On Tuesday January 12th, Prince William County’s Board of Supervisors (BOCS) convened for their first meeting of the 2021 calendar year. The agenda included a number of resolutions pertaining to organizational matters and several appointments by supervisors to various boards and commissions. The consent agenda included Resolution 6-G. Its stated purpose is to “accept, budget, […]

Addressing Racism and Anti-Blackness in Asian-American Communities: A Dialogue

On Tuesday, December 1st, Virginia Secretary of Education, Atif Qarni, hosted a virtual discussion moderated by the Chairwoman of the Virginia Asian Advisory Board to Governor Northam, May Nivar. According to the event flyer, they convened “a panel of experts for a conversation on how racism and anti-Blackness manifest in AAPI communities.” The panel included: […]