As A Woman: The Experienced Woman’s Return To Work
You have raised the kids and supported your family, and now you want to return to the workforce or venture into the world of entrepreneurial life. What could be so hard about going back to work you have years of exceptional experience?
If this is you and now you find you are feeling out of place and questioning life as you know it, check out these five tips.
1. Be Honest
Recognize is that you may be significantly older than your new coworkers and fellow business owners. While this isn’t a bad thing, it means that you may be in a different place in life and have unique experiences. Be honest about this! There is no need to pretend you are at the same point in your life. This will only lead to everyone feeling awkward.
2. Don’t always ask
There is an old saying, “The only dumb question is the one not asked.” While that used to be true, today’s story is slightly different. With search engines like Google, one can find anything they need to know directly from the internet. So, before you ask a question and have people wonder why you didn’t just “Google it”, GOOGLE IT!
3. Get Technical
Today’s young adult has probably been coding since around the ages of 10 or 12. While some of your professional counterparts may never have written in cursive, most of them are probably technically advanced. Now, this does not mean that you should go out and take a coding class (unless that’s really your thing) but, why not take a few online classes through LinkedIn Learning or other avenues to sharpen your skills. Not only will this help keep you relevant, but it also will keep you efficient.
4. Be Confident
Confidence is your number one key to success. Don’t underestimate the value of the life lessons you have learned that can be of value to your position. Stand up straight, look people in the eye, and speak up clearly to show that you believe you belong there.
5. Lighten Up
Even with all the honesty, preparation, research, and confidence, there will be times when it’s painfully obvious that you’ve been away for a while. When your counterparts are ordering lunch from their phone apps, and you are on your desktop ordering through the website or you are making copies of expense receipts, and they are taking pictures of them with that cool receipt app on their phone, it’s okay! Have a friendly laugh about it! Just say something witty like “Hey, every day is throwback Thursday with me!” They will get the reference, and you will be back on the cool list!

If you are looking for additional tips and suggestions on how to transition into a new role in life, check out My Natural Me and schedule a strategy session!