As A Woman: Are You Ready For the Heat?

The world is opening up, it’s almost summer, and we are excited to be hitting the streets! But, many of us have been in the house so long we may have forgotten a few tips to keep us looking and feeling good as we venture out.

Drink lots and lots of water

Hydration is key when your body is trying to maintain homeostasis, or the regulated state (in this case, at a decent temperature). Sweating, though kind of unappealing sometimes, is your body’s way of cooling you down. Drinking water and really any liquids can help your body stay cool. Be careful with coffee though, as it’s a diuretic and can have dehydrating effects.

Avoid the sun between 11am to 2pm

The sun is the hottest between 11am and 2pm, and limiting your exposure will limit your chances of overheating.
If you can’t get around not being outside during those hours, make sure you dress appropriately.

Cool down your “hot zones”

Your pressure points are your secret key to happiness! Applying a little ice pack or a bottle filled with iced water will help you cool down immediately.
These pressure points are:
– Ankles
– Behind the knees
– Wrists
– Elbow bends
– Neck
– Temples

What about our hair?

Professional Stylist and owner of An Added Touch Salon had these three tips for hair care during the summer.

  1. Regular Hair Trim: Don’t be afraid to get your hair trimmed, especially when temperatures are dry and hot and adding pressure on your hair.
  2. Custom Treatments: All treatments are not equal. Work with your stylist to get a customized treatment specific for your hair texture and condition.
  3. Schedule a consultation with a licensed professional that specializes in haircare that’s specific to your hair.

To find out more on hair care, or to schedule an appointment with Kim, check out her website, and click book now for availability.

Kim Hunter, Owner – An Added Touch Salon

It’s been a while since we’ve been out and about, and with a few of these extra steps, ladies, you can plan for a healthy “hot girl” summer!

As a Woman… is a weekly column discussing the unique challenges and solutions in health, wealth, finance, and relationships. If you would like to share in the conversation email,


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