Alexandria Councilman John Chapman Reveals Secrets Behind City Government

by John Reid

In this episode of the Elected & Engaged podcast, the City of Alexandria Councilman John Chapman talks with Dumfries Mayor Derrick Wood about his life, service, and working in city government.

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Primary results in Virginia sets up interesting races

The congressional races in both CD-7 and CD-10 were some of the most contested primaries headed into today’s elections, and while the results were unsurprising, it sets up the potential for change in November. Congressional representative Abigail Spanberger plans for a gubernatorial run in 2025, the Republican and Democratic parties held their primaries in CD-7. […]

Delegate Guzman prepares for the CD-7 primaries

by John Reid As the primary races conclude, several candidates have prepared themselves for the competitive districts, especially Congressional District 7, which is currently run by Congressional Representative Abigail Spanberger. Among the hopefuls is Delegate Elizabeth Guzman. Recently, the three-time delegate spoke with the PW Perspective about her candidacy and how her experience will be […]