A Marginalized Voice: Devalued, Dismissed, Disenfranchised & Demonized

“For I felt that without a common bond uniting men, without a continuous current of shared thought and feeling circulating through the social system, like blood coursing through the body, there could be no living worthy of being called human.”

Richard Wright

Black men have historically faced a challenge of finding their way and being recognized in society as decent human beings. Reginald Williams addressed this challenge, head on, with his book, A MARGINALIZED VOICE: Devalued, Dismissed, Disenfranchised & Demonized.

In my interview with Reginald, he shared the details about why he thought this book was necessary for Black culture.

Reginald, tell us the background of your book.

A Marginalized Voice exposes the nuanced behaviors of young Black boys and the iatrogenic practices of alleged professionals supposedly supporting those young Kings. The book drives deep and discusses the nuanced why of the behaviors of Black boys and exposes those emotional crimes committed against them. 

Why is this important for people of all backgrounds to read?

America is engaged in the question of why. From why is there so much gun violence in neighborhoods of color to why are Black boys so angry and even why aren’t Black boys doing well in school?

A Marginalized Voice, in a very in your face approach, shares the answers to those whys. Reading A Marginalized Voice will cause the reader to face the mirror to see the complicity in the problems faced by Black boys. 

This is powerful. What message do you have for the community? 

What a farmer’s harvest results are depends upon the seed planted, soil that the seed is planted in, and the conditions felt by that which was planted. The community must know that if the harvest shows up as angry Black boys, the clear sign is that the seeds, the soil or the condition were not optimal for a fruitful harvest. It is imperative that the community understand that they either will be responsible and be the beneficiary of a fruitful harvest or they will suffer the consequences of rotten fruit. The choice is theirs.  

This is a must-read book. How can people get the book?

Readers can purchase copies by visiting either amvonlinestore.com or amarginalizedvoice.com


Trump 2.0 Is Here — and So Is the New Black Resistance

Courtesy of Word In Black When Donald John Trump takes the presidential oath of office for the second time, it will finalize an outcome that seemed improbable four years ago: the re-election of a twice-impeached insurrectionist and budding authoritarian who is now a convicted felon and purported sexual abuser.  For MAGAland — Trump’s coalition of tech-bro billionaires, Christian evangelicals, […]

Support for Virginia HB 1991 – Domestic Violence Offender Registry

This article is supported by Purple Runway Domestic violence (DV) continues to devastate families and communities across Virginia. To combat this epidemic, Purple Runway supports the creation of a Domestic Violence Offender Registry through Virginia HB 1991, a vital tool to enhance public safety and accountability. Similar to the existing Sex Offender Registry, this registry […]