Democratic Primary Results


Former Governor Terry McAuliffe won the Democratic nomination for Governor of Virginia, beating opponents Former Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy, State Senator Jennifer McClellan, Delegate Lee Carter, and Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax. McAuliffe, who won the nomination with more than 60% of the vote, is a polarizing figure in Virginia. His term as governor was marked by the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, when hundreds of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and right-wing conspiracy theorists gathered in the city and marched through the streets chanting hateful slogans. Some have praised McAuliffe for his effort to restore voting rights for hundreds of people who were formerly incarcerated, but others have called his criminal justice reform tactics into question, citing that those efforts represent a one-time fix and not systemic change.

Lieutenant Gubernatorial

Delegate Hala Ayala (D-51) defeated a host of opponents to secure the Democratic primary, most notably Delegate Sam Rasoul (D-11), by securing 39% of the vote.

Attorney General

Incumbent Mark Herring defeated Jay Jones, securing 57% of the vote.

House District 2

Incumbent Delegate Candi King handily defeated her Democratic opponent Pamela Montgomery. King, who won with more than 62% of the vote, overcame a myriad of attack ads by her opponent, whose funding by organizations such as Clean Energy became a major point of contention in the campaign’s final days. King, who has a track record for voting on issues from environmental justice, to raising teacher pay. She won the seat in a special election last December, and will move on to the general election as she prepares to maintain the seat in a heavily Democratic area.

House Disrict 31

Delegate Elizabeth Guzman, who earlier dropped out of the Lieutenant Governor’s race, defeated opponents Rod Hall, Idris O’ Connor and Kara Pitek, securing 55% of the vote according to VPAP. Guzman, who has passed legislation supporting labor unions and advocated for more workers protections, will move on to the general election and look to maintain her seat.

House District 50

Michelle Maldonado defeated incumbent Lee Carter and Helen Zurita, securing 42% of what was a tight race.


Meet the Candidates: Prospective Democratic Lieutenant Governors Engage with Fairfax

by Zayd Hamid, Contributing Writer On March 6th, Fairfax City Hall hosted several Democratic candidates for lieutenant governor for a forum. Prosecutor Victor Salgado, State Senator Aaron Rouse, Prince William County School Board Chair Babur Lateef, State Senator Ghazala Hashmi, and former Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney gave remarks to several dozen attendees. The first to […]