Meet the Self-Taught Black Data Scientist Building Robot AI Smart Homes

Anade Davis is a 37-year-old African American Data Scientist with over 15 years of real estate experience. He started his career in AI working with Robots & Data Science with IBM back in 2018 and is now the founder of AI Smart Homes where he and his team of architects and engineers are developing some of the most high-tech homes to ever have been made.

Anade, who has also worked with the likes of Chegg and The World Data Science Institute, studied Digital Technology at the New York Institute of Technology in Manhattan, NYC. He comments, “We are launching 24 one-of-a-kind high-tech smart homes infused with AI technology. We are using Construction Engineering & Artificial Intelligence to build AI solar-powered smart homes, and we are building the future living experience!”

His team is using modern advanced construction technology such as robot 3D printers to get these solar-powered houses built fast and they include Smart Surfaces, AI Appliances, Robot Assistants, and Advanced Electronics.

Anade adds, “Building a home can take around seven days, but we have developed a strategy to build fully equipped smart homes in 90 days or less. We use innovative construction techniques that can build houses as fast as possible with the highest quality material as possible at an attainable cost that benefits developers, investors, and future homeowners.”

For more details on how to invest, visit


Entrepreneur Develops New Smart pad and App to Protect Children From Guns

21-year-old Chicagoland native Kayla Austin is excited to introduce her patent-pending technology called “My Gun’s Been Moved” which provides responsible gun owners with 24/7 monitoring and notifications if their firearms have been moved, enhancing the safety of children and communities. Alongside this, Kayla has developed “My Safety Circle” to amplify responsible gun ownership, monitoring, and […]

Black Founder Launches the First Culturally Smart AI Copywriter to Flood Diverse Brands with Conversational, Persuasive Content

Apryl Beverly, whose copywriting expertise has generated $3 billion in revenue for online brands, has launched Aipro (pronounced Ay-pro), the first culturally smart AI copywriter to produce marketing copy that resonates with diverse, multicultural audiences and boosts the visibility, sales and profitability for businesses. Say goodbye to the endless hours spent trying to coax AI to […]