2021 DMV Humanitarian Of The Year: Kelly Haneklau
On January 9th, we announced the winners of the 2021 DMV Best Business Awards.
We have one more additional award category that was not previously announced and wanted to share the exciting news!

The DMV Humanitarian of the Year Award:
This award recognizes a member who truly cares for the welfare of others and who cares about social issues and problems. This person is one that gives to others without fanfare or expectation of reward other than personal satisfaction in seeing other persons made happier.
We shall recognize the recipient as having:
- The greatest impact on the lives of others through caring.
- Evidenced concern about human beings in special ways through caring behavior, which is documented and recognized by peers.
- Involvement in a period in a cause or situation which benefits others, not self.
We are happy to announce the recipient of that award category is Kelly Haneklau

About Kelly Haneklau
Kelly Haneklau is founder and CEO of Minor Miracles, a working art studio where she creates commissioned artwork, teaches art to people of all ages and curates’ yearly exhibitions. She has exhibited and sold her work at the Torpedo Factory Art Center in Alexandria, VA, the Stonebridge Open Space Art Gallery in Woodbridge, VA, and a solo exhibit at McCall Studio Gallery in Manassas, VA. She currently has work on display at the Clearbrook Center of the Arts, Jirani Coffeehouse, and Minor Miracles Studio. As a degreed fine artist/painter, she has received several awards and has work published in two books. She is also the painter in the live performance group K[squared]² (spoken word poetry while Kelly paints in real time. The painting ends when the poetry stops.)
Kelly is an avid volunteer and has served the schools in her Northern Virginia community for almost 20 years with various roles such as PTO President, Health and Safety Chair, Membership Chair, School Advisory Council Representative, Representative to the Superintendent’s Advisory Council on Instruction, and Chairperson of two adjudicated student art shows.
She is currently the Brentsville District representative to the Prince William County Arts Council, an art instructor with a Maryland based non-profit, and a member of several art organizations. Her volunteerism helped raise over $40K in 9 months for the Victory Elementary PTO and over $12K in three months for Therapeutic Adventures, Inc.

Kelly is a devoted wife and mother. She enjoys all things art, time spent with friends and family, travel, music, food, and bike-riding in her spare time.
As founder of Art Of Life Charities, Kelly works alongside amazing volunteers who share the love of helping others and making a difference in the community.
Chosen as a top 10 best international artist (Wingless Dreamer Art Competition). Best Artist of Prince William (Inside Nova 2020), Community Arts Spotlight winner (Hylton Performing Arts Center, 2021), Best Painting Teacher (Lessons.com, 2018), and multiple special merit awards and acceptances into various juried art exhibitions.
Memberships: Member of The Art League, Prince William Art Society, Prince William County Arts Council, DMV Business Crossing Network, and the National Portrait Society.
If you know Kelly personally, you know she is also a tremendous supporter of diversity and inclusion. She silently gives of her talents in ways that uplift minorities, and the disadvantaged. She never wants to be in the forefront, but today we honor Kelly for her work and her heart as we present her with the:
2021 DMV Humanitarian Of The Year Award
The Award Show will take place at the 1st Annual Business Crossing Network Conference. Click HERE for more information on the conference!
Would you like to donate to the Art Of Life Charities Organization? Click HERE to support.